We offer a free account that gives allows you to verify your business, so you can respond to student reviews and get access to all of our analytics tools.
You can add more listings such as your student discounts, events, jobs or properties by upgrading your account. To see our paid plans, check out our pricing page here.
Adding your business or listing is super easy and only takes 2 minutes. To get started visit this link here or click any of the add listing buttons on this page or in the main menu at the top.
Once you’ve visited the link, choose your listing type and simply follow the step by step guide to add your business or listing.
Once you’ve submitted your business or listing, our team will verify your information for approval.
After we have approved your business or listing, you will receive an email confirmation and you can log in and get started!
To ensure all businesses meet our standards of trustworthiness, you must be a verifiable business that provides a local product or service to students in that local area.
We must be able to verify your business is a genuine business, which includes your business location and the nature of your business.
If you are unsure whether your business meets our criteria for approval, you can contact us any time and we’ll be happy to help.
Our team regularly add popular local businesses, so that students can leave reviews and recommendations for other students.
If you see your business, then you can claim this listing to manage it yourself, gaining access to our full range of features. This includes responding to reviews and posting your unique student discounts.
To claim your listing, simply visit the page you wish to claim and click the ‘claim listing’ button below the business name. All listing claims follow the same verification processes as normal listing approval.
You can upgrade or downgrade your listing any time by visiting your account section.
You can promote any of your listings, boosting your business to reach more students than before. You can do this by visiting your account section here, visiting the listings area. You can then click on the promote button on any listings that you’d like to promote.
All of our users are verified students, which are registered with their official university email address. This prevents most spam accounts or fake reviews from competitors.
If for any reason you suspect a review breaches our terms and conditions, then you can report it by contacting us here. Our team will review this report and will remove any reviews accordingly.